The idea
It all started with a present from the parents: Great-grandfather’s orchard, the Euelsberg („Hill of owls“). With more than 90 fruit trees. Apples, pears, mirabelles, plums, walnuts. What to do with it? The idea was born during one night while enjoying a number of „samples“: We will start a distillery! Stephan started a deep dive into distilling, learning from other distrillers, scouting stills… until we dared actually doing it. We built the distillery in 2017 and started producing our own gin.
Great-grandpa's apples
Orchards like the Euelsberg have become rare. They were popular in former times due to the efficient use: Cattle could feed from the grass below the high trees. Our orchard hasn’t seen any fertilizers for many, many years. We are mulching it once or twice a year. That’s it.
Eifel Meadows
The Eifel forest and meadows offer a variety of natural flavours that we use. Yarrow, for example, a traditional Eifel flower, is used in our flower gin. And we use spruce sprouts to produce syrup and to flavour limoncello.